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How can I change him?

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My fiance thinks kissing is disguisting. He is disguisted if he eats from any one's plate, or drinks from another cup,... How can I change this, I am becoming his wife soon? He want him to kiss me. He always kisses me on the cheek but can't I have a little more than that?

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I think your fiance needs some counseling. it sounds like a psychological problem. He won't even kiss you on the lips? What does he think about sex? i oculd deal with the not sharing food thing, but the no kissing. that

s tough. Have you sat down and talked with him. have you asked him why? what is his aversion? you need to seriously do that before you get married. if he can't be open to discussion or change, that's a problem.

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It sounds like he has a phobia of germs or something like that. Is he meticulously clean? Is he obsessed with dusting, cleaning, etc.? He may have an obsessive compulsive disorder. I would try to get him to see a psychologist or something about that Meanwhile, you'll have to choose whether or not you wish to marry someone who won't kiss you on the lips.....

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Well he did kiss me on the lips and is trying to eat from the same plate as mine, but he won't go for a deep kiss. What I am saying is that you guys over exagerated things. I just want him to kiss me the "deep kiss". Do I ask from him ( force him by words) to kiss me? BTW, he have positive opinion about sex...so don't worry Also, I was disgusted when I has my first kiss. Once I tried it, i liked the feeling.

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