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Looking for a going away gift

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- Send flowers

- Send e-mails

- Send (e-)cards

- Send love letters

- Make a CD with sweet words or songs that you sing and send that

- Talk on the phone

- Plan a future together

- Plan a trip together


Every now and then send your partner assorted gifts packed into a small box. The gifts were things like a letter, sweets, poem, fridge magnet, small cuddly toy and so on. Just to add a bit of fun, each gift had a clue written on the wrapping paper as to what it contained and only one gift could be opened each day.


Other ideas include making a jigsaw puzzle out of a photo and e-mailing it. There are web-sites that do this for free.

Text messages are now all the rage and good value for sending long distance.

Depending on whether you like writing or have some creativity in you, what about a joint notenook?

Have a notebook that we send backwards and forwards, that we each keep for one month at a time. We write, draw, paint, stick in photos, keep a journal entry, copy in poetry - anything that we can think of.


I love to get that notebook back at the end of his month and spend a quiet evening in going through his pages and thinking of him. Some things are always easier to write down than to say, and it's not too expensive if you're only mailing it back every other month.

And if you can't find the words yourself? How about a compilation CD of songs that mean something to you, or finding a poem that just says the right thing?


How about sending an audio tape or a video tape of you talking to him/her? I know it's SO nice to hear their voice or see them whenever you want, instead of waiting for that phone call.


Another thing I used to do is find out what his favorite snacks are and send tons of those candy bars or goodies that they can't get in their country. That's always fun.


The photo album is a great idea. Keep sending current pictures of you doing your normal things. Polaroids are great for this if you know what I mean!!!


That should get you started


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