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How To Call After a First Date


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Dating can be confusing even if you are seasoned veteran. It is hard to determine whether you or your date should pay for the date or if the two of you will split the bill. First dates usually end in two different ways. Either you want to see them again or you stop dating them. The anxiety of what to do after the first date can be racing through the dater’s mind. But what is more confusing is not necessarily the question determining whether to call or not or not even the query of who calls first but it is when do you call them and how to call them. Knowing how to call your potential love interest after a first date is not as difficult as you might think. Here are tips on how to call someone after a first date.


* Wait two days before calling. Calling too soon would give an impression that you are overly keen and calling too late might make your date think that you are insincere or aren’t interested. Tell them that you had a wonderful time then leave the option open for another date to follow.


* Know what to say. Try not to be nervous. Do not let your nerves overpower you when talking to your date. There is nothing worse than an awkward silence during a telephone conversation. Try practicing what you are going to say beforehand.


* Prolonged first call conversation is a big no-no. Chatting for too long can make you appear needy. Keep the chat short and simple. You’ll have a lot of time talking on the phone after the second or third date.


* Do not leave too many messages on their answering machine. Try leaving your message (together with your phone number) only once. If you are getting repeated messages from your date’s answering machine, chances are the feelings between each other are not mutual. Your date would call they are likewise interested.


* Avoid calling too often. This can make you look clingy and being cling or needy is very unattractive since it shows signs on insecurity.


Bonus tip: Try sending a text message or an e-mail to thank them instead of calling. They will appreciate it. Also, remember to keep it short and sweet.

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