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ok i think im being a little hard on mar. shes right, im just afraid i came off a horrible year of loss, my place, my dad, my business and her. and so i want that piece back but perhaps thats just not to be.


part of taking so long to "get real" has been being so down from everything else, and missing opportunities that are now gone. yes i am sad.


so heres goes again:


everything said so far about patterns, fighting for it, not friends not partners, but adding that with all the loss of the last year its been hard to get clear on whats happened with you, so i have moved slow, but i cant anymore, life has to go on with or without you.


thats the end.

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well another post, this is a good place for it. its like speaking to a lobby of people walking by, some times somebody pauses and says "what buddy?" you tell them and then they either say something or they dont. but you go right on talking.


my fear right now is that she spent the weekend with her mom. her mom wouldnt tolerate what she is doing, she would call her on it. now if she is just scared of losing me her mom will hammer her into saying bye. if she is stuck on the pasison thing, then maybe if i am lucky her mom will explain it to her.


so i am ready to have the discussion its just down to details now.



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