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The Illusive G-Spot!

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Hi Everyone!


I'm getting kinda curious about the g-spot lately... It's kinda become a little quest for me... (I live a sad life) ... My girlfriends been away for a bit but when she comes back we both wanna try to find her g-spot... Or, I do anyways lol...


As far as I know, it's located a coupled inches inside and is usually access by making a "come here" motion with your finger... I'd just like to know, why do so many people have such a hard time to find it... and is there nethin else I should know?


Thanks a bunch!

Love Ya All!


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Hey!! The G-spot exists and once you locate it on your gf, keep that memory because when a woman's g-spot is being handled correctly, it is one of the most amazing sensations ever!! Just insert your finger in the vagina gently and start feeling around for a spongy-like area on the front part of the vaginal canal, start massaging it gently with your finger print and voila, she'll be in extasy... you'll know you hit it when that look of surprise comes over her and her eyes begin to roll back a little!! Ask her if the motion of your finger should be faster, slower, then when you hit the right rhythm, keep going til she orgasms... do this before intercourse and you will have yourself a very sexually satisfied woman!!

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