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I have been involved in long distance relationship for the past 2 years. She is divorced with a long history of assault from men. We talked every day for long periods of time. She also has a son who i am fond of. She can't handle when I tell her how much I care about her and shuts me out of her life. This has occurred three times. Despite the fact that I know she does not feel anything close to how I feel I still want her back in my life. I have heard of love addicts(ME) and people who are unemotionally available(her)Do we fit the bill?

Why can't I just move on?

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Its only my opinion but I think if you loved somebody i.e wife/girlfriend you will never totally get over them.


When I say love, I mean a real deep feeling of love. Not just missing them in your life or wanting them back because its easier than finding somebody new.


If you meet your soulmate and fall in love with them I dont think you will ever forget them. Even if the relationship wasnt always perfect and you had bad times doesnt mean you wasnt in love.


I love my ex fiancee with all my heart, I would do anything for her. She is my world and without her I am lost.


We all have to move on, but you do not have to stop loving your ex.



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