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I need some help

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Hi, im 16 and I just got a girlfriend....its my first....Now, onto my question. How would I go about fingering her? I mean, I dont know how fast things are going yet and I will let things flow, but when the situation arises...which quite possibly be friday, I want to at least know alittle on what to do....please get back to me if you can.

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Ok try some of these. I don't know too many but u should look it up, ask around etc for some more.


Labial Massage

Place a well lubricated hand over her labia, fingers pointing towards her anus. Pull up toward the navel and alternate hands. Explore the inner and outer lips with your fingers. Pull gently on one lip and then the other. Rub the outer lips gently between your forefinger and thumb, then the inner lips.


A-One and A-Two and a-Three

Try inserting your first two fingers into her vagina, then arch your thumb back 'hitch-hiker' style and thrust in until your thumb rests against her clitoris. Now wriggle, twist, thrust, and vibrate your hand to drive her wild.


Close But No Cigar

If your partner has a particular spot that they like to have licked or caressed, try doing so very close to but not quite on that spot. This trick will make them take longer to reach their orgasm, but they will likely have a much stronger, more powerful orgasm when they finally do.


Push Here to Start

Gently insert one finger deeply into her vagina and, when she's ready, insert a second. Then take your thumb and place it against her anus (Don't insert it). Press against her anus while you move your fingers inside her vagina.


Tap Dancing

Place the palm of your hand on her mons (the mound where her pubic hair is), and rest your fingers lightly on her vaginal lips. Rest your thumb on her thigh. Lightly but firmly press your palm onto her mons and begin to move your hand in a tiny circular motion. Your palm should not slide too much over her skin during this process. Rather, her skin should move underneath it. Repeat this process until you have done ten circles. You then raise your fingers and lightly tap her vaginal lips about once a second until you have given her ten taps. After giving the taps, rest your hand for five to ten seconds. Then repeat the whole routine over and over.


Cervix Clock

A woman's cervix can usually be found in the upper rear part of her vagina. The cervix feels like a little dome of tissue, and may also have a small cleft in the middle, like your chin. Carefully stimulate the area surrounding the cervix. Some women may enjoy this and want you to do it more often; others won't.


From the Outside

Lay your free hand over the lower part of your partner's abdomen. Experiment by applying different kinds of pressure with the top hand while fingers from your other hand are inside her vagina.


Gentle Touch and Tickle

Tickle the clitoris extremely lightly.


Healing Thrust

Some women might need and want good, hard, deep, vigorous thrusting penetration. Be sure to keep her relaxed - don't let her get tensed.


Pinch and Pull

Gently pinch and pull on the clitoris.


Rock Around the Clit

With your forefinger make tiny circles, stopping at every 'hour'.


Temple Gate Tease

With one finger, tickle her vaginal opening as lightly as possible.


Tour de France

Orbit your forefinger around between her inner and outer labia from perineum to above her clitoris.


Triple Digit Pet

Use your three longest fingers, with your middle finger gliding along the outside of her vaginal opening and your other two fingers running along the area where her thigh meets her labia.


Twist and Shout

Using one or more fingers, massage in and out while twisting at the wrist.



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