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i got a girlfriend and i dont know how to kiss all ive dun is put mi tongue in a girls mouth but got none back so i wanna know wat to do and dont say any of this comes naturally please just tell me like when i put my tongue in what to do what shell do with hers and stuff step by step even examples of when you kiss your loved ones would be apreciated thanks a bunch

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Kissing is something young couples have to practice together. Your fist kisses may be a bit akward, but eventually you will get in the groove with eachother. Trust me, i have been there.


There really isnt anything anyone could say to describe "how to kiss." You may be able to find some descriptions out on the net somewhere, but i wouldnt worry about it if i was you. You two have a good excuse practice kissing, It's all good!

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Hi rusty_boi,


There is no right way to kiss you just go with the flow and what feels natural. Everyone has to learn at some point so it's not a big problem, it's one of those things where you the saying "Practice make Perfect" sorta thing.


Once you get into kissing you'll get better and you'll have fun.


Hope this has helped


Evil Bakura

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do you know if she has ever kisssed any one...if she hasnt then you could ask her if you guys could try to teach each other how to kiss based on what you like..giving little practice runs...i wouldnt mind if someone did that with me..the hardest part might be to work up the confidence to ask her...it will be soo rewarding...i wish i could try it...

i wish you the best of luck...

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