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Has she broken the no contact rule, am i in?

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So we split and we have had no contact, she wont pick up and wont reply to messages, nothing, no matter wat ive asked or told her in the past. A mate see's her in the pub a few weeks back, talkin about me. She said she "Likes me" thats it, i think it was the second time he told her I still really like her, there was nothing like i like him as a friend she just said "i like him" ohh and that im "really sweet". He also asked her if he should tell me these things, with a little hessitation, she had a drink bear in mind and says "yea go on then" Anyways, he tells me that she says hello, thats the strange part. Why would she say hello when were in no contact, common experts help me out!

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Hi detox5,


Did you tell her that u wasnt going to contact her ?


Did you tell her not to contact you ?


If you started the NO CONTACT then all she has done is initiate contact through a friend.


The only person who can break the no contact is u, thats if u started it.


If you told her u wasnt going to contact her, and that she mustnt contact u then yes, she will be breaking the rules.


Sounds to me like she has been missing you and wanted u 2 no she still cares. Maybe she wants u to contact her.




If she wants to speak to u, let her contact u. Im sure she will be curious.


Just hang in there, its wont b 2 much longer and she will be contacting u.



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ohh man i feel emotional at this point cheers for replie, the thing is no matter what i have done she dosnt seem to hate me, i havent done anything wrong. Only pester her and the usual stuff as i love her with everything i have in my body, i even told her that i was with some 1 else and that i wanted it to be her, i didnt do it out of spite i just felt i needed to tell her as it felt aweful, no matter what i have done it hasnt seemed to put her off, i find it weird but good. I did contact her a few days after he saw her, but i was blunt, she knew he was going to tell me. All i texted her was he appologised for being drunk on the weekend. thats it, it was a ice breaker as such, i didnt moan at her, ask her anything, it was only a statement and she was the one that started the no contact not me, anything to add? she didnt reply btw

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Hi detox5,


Ok so she started the no contact, I think u need to no, the dumper cannot start the no contact, if they don't talk to u its coz the don't want to.


Im a lil confused with ur post, u say that no matter what u do she doesn't hate u.


Why do u want her to hate u ?


If u still love her and want her back, getting her to hate u isn't the right way to go about thing.


I no u must be confused and emotional, we have all been there. I think sending her a txt was a lil bit 2 soon.


She talks to a friend and says hi, you wait a few days and then send a txt. If she wants to play games then let her play them.


What we need to do is work on the strategy…


Keep us informed, if u need n e advice just ask.



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wow great, nice to get some help for a change, what i mean by the hating part is that. What i have done like pester her call her and text her in the past I thought it would drive any one away and make them mad. I would have thought that she would be mad with me and stuff, but i think im just surprised that I chaced alot and she seems ok. I think i more expected her to get annoyed with me. We didnt have contact before and then we started talking for a while, i dont think she could of handled it because were in no contact again. The reason for her breakin us up was because she wasnt ready for another relationship at the time and shes its more to do with her needing time and gathering her thoughts. Ive had plenty of oportunites to be calm and take to her and not break trust but i failed by either saying i miss her or talking about a relationship and not really listenin to her needs and understanding. I guess its a matter of time is it?

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Hi detox5


We are all here to help you.


I think she has been loving all of the attention, you are not 2gether n e more but u r still there for her.


All im saying is u need to back off, how can she miss u if ur always around.


Girls love attention. They love to be chased. But b careful, u could push it to far and blow things.


Like I said b4, back off, u no she needs time to gather her thoughts. If u love her u must give her the time she needs.


I have a really good feeling about this, trust me.



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You said in your first reply "Sounds to me like she has been missing you and wanted u 2 no she still cares" how can you tell? I havent bugged her in like 3 weeks and have been cool abuot i, i guess ill just keep it up. Everything was perfect in our relationship and I didnt do anything wrong, I know i made her feel special and wanted because her ex treated her like a dog, I just wanna know if she will come back in time, and how long does these things take. When we first broke up she was a little down, but when my friends saw her she seemed much better and stuff, but I dunno what all the hello was about?

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