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I love my partner but.....

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I don't know if this has been brought up before, but here goes.....


I am a huge sex lover...nothing kinky or out of the ordinary...I just enjoy sex, Im sure most people do...


I started seeing this guy a couple of months ago & I love him heaps!!

the problem is....SEX


1. My partners penis is so small, Im talking 2cm at full erection! At the risk of sounding shallow, I dont enjoy sex with him, I love him heaps but I like to enjoy intercourse, sex past the foreplay & I cant


2. During a hug or foreplay no matter which it is.... he dribbles from his penis. this is hard to deal with for mebecause it turns me OFF!... its almost like he has no self control OR he doesnt care. Im not talking a little wet spot, Im talking thru his jocks onto my leg is a puddle! What is with that???


He hasnt been in a relationship for several years before he met me & I dont know if this is the reason why not or the reason why he has this happening.


Is there an answer?


Im too shy to bring this up to him & I dont know how to deal with it.

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Hmmm ... this is not so good.


The size is not great. The puddles - well that's precum - but shouldn't result in puddles. Not sure there is anything that the poor guy can do. Certainly is nothing that you can do. Does love overcome everything? Well, you're gonna find out!


Good luck.


G xx

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Not much he can do about his size - and I imagine at that size he doesn't get as much stimulation from penetration as most guys would. What I'd suggest is see if he's open (and if you're open) to a lot of experimentation - oral, toys, even some light roleplaying, and make that the excitement (and something you can get an orgasm from) and focus of sex, instead of what you're probably used to, with most things leading up to intercourse. The precum - honestly he might want to see a doc to be on the safe side, a little drip here and there is normal, but huge puddles would seem a little extreme, and might have some physical cause.


Do a little research - there's got to be other women in the same position who might have written out some tips for having a satisfying sex life with their partners

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Hi hugabug,


Well this is a tough one.


If u love this guy then size doesnt matter. I think that what the other ppl have said is true. Try and experiment with other things.


One day you will stop having sex and will start making love. When this happens nothing else will matter. U will b on a higher level.


But for now, try all of the above.


When I first met my ex fiancee we had sex all of the time, after a about a year the sex turned into making love. Just being close with her, knowing we would wake up together, and share our life together changed the way we felt.


Sex with a stranger does not have any emotions, but when u r in love its a whole lot better. The feeling of be close with the 1 one u love, the trust u have that they will not judge u r laugh at u is the greatest feeling on this earth.

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