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I am attracted to a man at work, but I am his boss!

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I have been working as a manager of a team in my department for a couple of years and there is a man that was on another team in my department that I was attracted to. Recently, we reorganized the department and now he works for me. To make it even better, he sits in the cubicle right behind me. I think I have picked up signals that he is interested in me, but I do not know if it is because I am his superior or if he would like to know me personally. We are close to the same age, he is a little older (because he has said his age and I have given him clues to mine). We also share the same religion. He seems always attentive when I speak and we seem to keep giving each other little personal information about ourselves. I would hate to miss out on some one I feel is a great match for me. What should I do? Would it be wrong since he reports to me to try to develop a personal relationship and if it isn't, how should I go about developing it?

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I dont think u should mix business with pleasure.


Its only my opinion but I would never date somebody I worked with, even if they was my manager.


Just think about how it would be if you had a row or split up and had 2 see him every day.


Its to complex, and very hard to deal with.


Sorry if its not what u wanted to hear.



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It is generally not a good idea to date anyone at work, let alone one of your employees. While this is a good idea in theory, it is tough to practice. Bottom line....where do you meet people? At work is a typical place.


However, your situation is beyond the dating of a fellow employee. As a supervisor, you would be faced with a never ending supply of problems. What happens if you have to discipline a person you are dating? If the relationship goes bad, how do you deal with the work relationship afterward? What would the other employees say and think? If he got promoted, would the other workers think it was "special treatment"? If your boss dated you, how would you feel if things went bad and he had to daily interact with you?


Bottom line............if you choose to date this person, then at a mininum you must be prepared not to be supervising him. If you work with him at the same company and don't supervise him, are you prepared to work with him if the relationship fails?

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