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I Hate/love you


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I'm over you.

You see I can't

go on like this.

I filled up

with this pain

and clouded by

memories of the past.

At last, I see.


I feel it fading.

I can see it.

Finally I can

take your place.

You feel I'm finding

someone better.

Take my advice.

Leave me alone.



You're a parasite man

you don't get that I hate you.

Leave me alone, I don't like you.

But I can't seem to stop

thinking of you.


I feel my heart

explodong in anger.

Only when I start

to think of you I know

you're an insensitive

idiotic *******.

I hate you so much right now.

Or do I really?



You're a parasite man

you don't get that I hate you.

Leave me alone, I don't like you.

But I can't seem to stop

thinking of you.


I've watched you cange

through the days.

Why did I love you

It's all a big haze.

I feel like I hate you

but love you in different ways.


You're a parasite man

you don't get that I hate you.

Leave me alone, I don't like you.

But I can't seem to stop

thinking of you.



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