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feeling frustrated

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Lately I just feel like I can't get my life together. I seem to mess up everything I do. I screwed up this last year of high school and have no idea if I can get into a school, which is what everyone is pressuring me to do. I don't have a job and need I could really use some money. The only thing I really care about are these girls I'm friends with that I'm also interested in, and they've ignored me for the last week to play some kind of game with me, which only makes me feel more frustrated. I mean everytime I meet a girl I like, I can never seem to get it right. I know thats mostly my fault, but when I finally push myself to do something its either too late or the wrong time. Same thing happens with everything I do - I can't succeed, and by the time I get the courage to do better I've missed my chance and screwed it all up and have nothing to do but look back and realize how stupid I was.


Example: One day, I spent the afternoon with a friend I really want to go out with. After she made it obvious that she wanted a boyfriend, after I had a perfect chance to ask her out, I didn't. Stupid me didn't even realize I had the perfect opportunity to ask her out. So I try again for days to come, and can't even get her alone, can't get her on the phone. Now everyday I kick myself for not seeing it.


The thing thats frustrating is I know how to get my life together, and I know its not that bad, but when I try it doesn't work for one reason or another. Sorry for kind of a pointless post, but I just need to get some feelings out. Does anyone have any advice?

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sorry to hear that your down in the dumps......your going thru a preety hard time at the moment.Life is like that at times with me anyway....and i can to relate to what your saying about knowing the right thing to do and actually doing it.......it sounds easy but its not!!.I would ditch the girls who are playing games with you if they really cared they wouldnt do that..you dont need the hassle at the mo.


All is not lost at least you know were your going wrong on the girl front it seems to me your learning which is a positive thing...it would be a lot worse if you didnt know where you was going wrong.Hope things improve....

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sOrry to HEar tHat u'Re going tHru This... in liFe... u Gotta DeaL wiTh all SoRt oF thiNGs.. soMEtimes... u Really want that thing buT it doEsnt' go youR way that u wanted to... is JUst liKe The exAmplE u juSt sTated... aS foR tHE guRl whO u LIke oR waNted To gO ouT wiTh... iF shE dOEsn"t mAke anY mOve ... so juSt dRop iT.... doN't mAke uRsElf coNfuSe oR wHatsoEvEr.. Tho am A guRl and i MighT noT knOW hoW u feLt .. buT onE thinG foR suRe iF a guRl Don'T shOw u anY 'signal'... don"t make the sEcoNd moVe as i see it pointless.... i Guess oThers mIGht givE a A similar advice to thiS... but i can tell u That... u're not the only one with this problems...iF oTher ppl can encounter these frustration u have ... U CAN do it .. and i believe u can.... U gotta knOW that u'Re special =)..and always do.... i hope u're feeling better....

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Do you really think you are permanently bad just because you messed up a few times? You can either sit there and continue to kick yourself for all of the past mistakes or you can acknowledge the fact that what happened in the past happened and simply learn from the mistakes. If you are kicking yourself because you wish you could have changed things, don't wish it anymore! Instead, continue on with your life and remember your mistakes for the future. Life can be compared to an experiment in that sometimes results from experiments are not what we expected or wanted. However, after enough experiments, we may finally get the desired results!


Good luck and I hope this helps.

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Thanks for the kick in the butt. I'm usually pretty good at helping myself with these things, but sometimes I get so frustrated and feel trapped. You know, somedays are good, others aren't. Things are actually looking up since the last time I posted. I think soon I'll be going out with this girl I really like (unless I screw that up again). This is like my fourth chance to get it right with her so it better work out. I know I can't change the past, but its hard to forget about it sometimes. Sometimes when I really want something (in this case a girl), its hard to accept when it doesn't work out because I wanted it so bad and it hurts when you know it was probably your fault you lost it. I acutally pride myself in learning from past mistakes and I've learned a lot.

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