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Can you help me on this one

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Ok here I go: There's this girl that is in one of my classes and she's pretty good looking too. Well after a month of being shy towards her I started talking to her and I've introduced myself to her and she's done the same I'm always able to say something to get her to laugh each time I see her and sometimes I walk with her out to the parking lot after class. Today she came in and asked me if I was here(in class) on Mon. cause she wasn't and if I had the notes from it and I said yes and made some kinda joke about what she missed in class and she laughed and for a good part of the lecture I noticed she kept playing with her hair like straightening it or putting it behind her ears she did this Alot. So after class I left I didn't get a chance to talk to her again.


So what do you guys figure does she like me? or is it too early to tell?..I'm planning on asking her out and this will be the first time I've done such and I'm OK with getting rejected I just don't wanna go on wondering well what if and blah blah? Thanks for all your replies in advance and for all those who responded to the last post I started.

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Well, it is kindof early to actually tell for certain, but those are some good signs. It's obvious she likes you as a friend atleast. However, the only way to truly find out how she feels, ask her yourself. And seeing as you're not afraid of rejection, go ahead, theres nothing to lose except a few moments of time.

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The playing with her hair thing could either be something or nothing at all, it's hard to tell at such an early age. Quite a few girls do this as a means of flirting, does she tend to look really deep into your eyes when she talks to you, never breaking the contact until absolutely necessary?

I think to avoid the chance of rejection you should bring it up casually, just ask her if she wants to go see a movie with you Saturday night or something. No candle-light dinners should be in order until you're positive that there is a mutual attraction.

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Yes Tinkerbell she did today when I was telling her about something the teacher said on monday that was funny she looked right at me and I did too but was still kinda nervous though. You say at an early age I'm about to turn 20 and I'm gonna assume she's in the same age range

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