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I was wondering if someone could help me here. I woke up this morning with a small rash on the side of my face. It itches really bad and I don't know what it is. I haven't changed anything I normally use, but we do have one possibilty. My mom has a cat that irritates me sometimes. I've been around that cat all the time and it never gave me any rashes. I would hold and pet that cat all the time and it never really bothered me that much. Its not really a big rash but I'm afraid its gonna spread. What should I do? I do have asthma, and she does kinda trigger an attack once in a great while but a rash?

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Hey if she does trigger attacks then you are probably allergic to her, Mayb her cat hair, Did you wash your hands before you went to bed after you had played with her? Or it could just be your own sweat, Were you sweating at night while you were sleeping? You should go see a dermatologist, If you dont have one or dont want to go see one you can just wash yourface with soap with aloe and put cream on that side of your face

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Can't say I know what could cause it. It could be anything from a spider bite to simple skin irritation. Don't scratch it and keep an eye on it. If it gets any worse go see the doctor, especially if you live somewhere where there are brown recluse spiders. That's a spider bite you don't want to mess around with.

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Question- does the cat go outdoors? On several occasions I had gotten poison ivy from my cat because she would go out into the woods and walk through patches of the poison ivy plant. The oil from the plant would get on her fur, so that when I petted her I would pick up the oil from the poison ivy and touch my face, eyes, etc. I had it so bad one time, it was in my eyes and had to go to the emergency room. Anyway, I would check into it if the cat does go outdoors. Take care.

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