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when do i call?

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Well it's only been 2 days...and he hasn't called you yet,


The way it is in America, (not sure if it's different in Australia...) But the guy is the one who is spoused to make contact first. that isn't the girls role, so if i were you i would just lay back, and let the chicken get up his confidence to call you. (if he never does, He isn't interested) or (he lost your number, and is kicking himself in the Butt)

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Two Days..Call him. I don't understand why there is supposed to be some rule about how many days one should wait I mean I would wait one day and then call cause you would think if a girl liked a guy and he liked her too he'd want to go out with her instead of sitting by a phone that's never gonna ring waiting for one to break down and call. I don't know maybe I'm just rambling and going about this the wrong way just my take on it.

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