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What should I do now...?

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I am deeply in love with the one person I have been looking for my whole life (Just a side note...I am only 16 and 3/4), But I have very strict qualification and I have never even "liked" anyone before, I feel comfortable around her, well felt anyway, she moved to colorado springs and I live near Denver, When ever I would hear her voice I was consumed in love and I felt like I was on cloud nine. Well anyway I think I blew it and now I need some help. Around Thanksgiving of '03 I called her up one day and confessed my love for her, bad idea "Yes", She did not know how to take it and sort of stopped talking with me, maybe that was after I text msg her for over $8 in text msgs, I fall in deep depression ever time I hear her name or think of her (Which is all the time), I want to know if anyone out there can help me with my problem??? Please

P.S. I Keep my fellings to my self and I have messed up real bad.

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Well you scared her because you blind sided her with what you said. Right now, she is avoiding you because she doesn't know how to take this. How long has it been since you last talked to her, was it Thanksgiving or what? It is best to wait at least a month then try calling her again, but don't tell her how you like (love) her. You might want to reinsure her that your calling just to see how shes doing and appoligize if you scared her last time and you just want to talk. Tell her that you miss her you wish you were with her. Ask her how everything is down there and just engage in small talk. Also, ask her when the best time is to call her next time. Don't even try telling her anything until like a month of calling her, but dont call her everyday, once a week should do. If you call too much, you bug the junk outta her. After about a month, tell her things you like about her but just little things, nothing big. Everytime you call, tell her something new and a little more deep. Once you feel comfortable, you can tell her how you feel but not as intense as last time, but remember long distance relationships dont work out that often. Hope I helped.

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It has been about 4 months...I wanted to back off and give her some room since what I did was a big mistake. March 29th: Could you or anyone else help me by giving me a what I should say exactaly for the first few calls...I want things to go right this time. ...It would be greatly appreciated and maybe I can pay you guys back someday, somehow, maybe with some enlightening poem, etc. If it is any help, I did drop her alot of hits and I don't think she realized any of them, in the summer I would called her every few days to just say whats up, etc and to past time in this boring world, it was weird though she seemed not to notice but some how I think she wanted to be with me but at the same time did not. maybe because the only thing we shared in common was we both took french (where I met her), and that we...Well I was going to say had no life but she did seem to have a life after she was ungrounded. I hope you guys don't mind that I am just rambling on, but it just seems to help with the depressing side of this crap. Anyway, she seemed to like me but I know that I came out in the end alittle to coarse and that just messed me up because I went down in flames and one thing led to another and I eventually just cralled up in to a ball and hid in a corner which did not help my social life one bit. Just on a side note...My parents and siblings did not help in the matter either, even though they knew I was looking for the perfect person, and when I finally found her they just excused it as nothing, I told them after she had moved and I qoute my mother saying "Well then that sucks for you, you should just give up and get over yourself" not exactaly what I wanted to hear...if I knew you guys were here non of this would of happened. Well I can tell now that my rambaling is probably becoming annoying so I am going to go to bed and think of her...Since she is all I think about.

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How does this sound?


If I get her answering machine I was going to say, Hey Brigitte, its Tim. I was just calling to appologize for the way I acted and how I was preety annoying. Well I will try back later, and if you get this message before I call back you are more than welcome to call me at (Number) or (Cell Number).


If I get her I was going to say, Hey Brigitte, Is this Tim Ya this is Tim, so how is it going, Preety good, preety good thats good, How are you, I am not doing to bad, school sucks you know the usual. So been snowboarding yet? No, my mom does not want me to get hurt and have to sit out on tae kwon do, That sucks, ya. You still taking french? Ya, et toi? lol, no I am taking German now.


You get the picture, am I doing ok?

***All this is assuming that is what she will say, and that is most likely what she will say.

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I just wanted to tell you that the person you fall inlove with the first time always causes you the worst heartbreak because you feel so strongly the first time. I am 23 now and married but when I was 18 I was so in love with a guy who wasn't interested. I felt like you- like I was going to die and there would never be anyone else and life was too hard...but it got better. I hope it does for you too


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It's not like she is not interested...I sort of scared her away because I was too...lets say annoying. I don't have any heart ache or anything, just a bunch of depression and shit. I know that there will be someone someday but I am just to alone right now that I might not make it to that person. And even if she does not love me I would settle for a friend. Since I am a loner I don't have many friends and the ones I have now are not that good of friends.

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