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I've seen some people on this forum ask for suggestions on how to take their own life. Though i'm sure that they've got a pretty clear idea of how they go about doing it their own way, I'm wondering what the law says about actually providing these requests with a reply?


Can people legally give them suggestions? Or will we be charged with a crime?

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If you asked me the best way to murder someone. And I told you, that's not a crime.


I'm not the one comitting the murder (of someone else, or myself). You asked me for an opinion I gave it. Nothing legally wrong there, Morally though, thats a different story.

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Thanks for posting my topic, I ralize it is somewhat sensitive, but I'm glad to see that it got posted! =)


You asked me for an opinion I gave it. Nothing legally wrong there, Morally though, thats a different story.


Wouldn't you be held accountable for some part of it? It would almost be like lending a prospective suicide (suicider?) your garage and a rope to go through with it. Nothing legally wrong in lending said equipment, but I can suspect that you would be held somewhat responsible for providing the solution and equipement. I just reckon that if s**t can happen, it will!


However I can tell you that if you tried to post that on the forum, we would delete it. Its just not something we encourage anyone to do.


Ok, understood. What if they ask you for your email or phone number if they want your advice? Would you delete that info? Is there any way that you can give the advice they want. considering that you live on the other side of the planet?

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I'm going to beg to differ here...


Though suicide is no longer illegal in most states, aiding and abetting IS, though not often prosecuted except in cases where physicians assist. The wording tends to read similar to California's:


"Suicide is taking one's own life. Suicide and attempted suicide no longer are crimes in California. However, it is a felony for someone deliberately to aid, advise, or encourage another to commit suicide."


Technically yes, you could be charged with a felony in most states if it were discovered you had provided information or means for someone to commit suicide knowing that they were using the information for this purpose.

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So, it's not so much that the forum doesn't advocate advising how to committ suicide, it's simply that it is illegal to give such advice or assistance to a possible suicide case.

The authorities could track their online correspondence then charge those who have given pro-suicide advice and the administrators of said forum.


Right, got my answer! Thanks!

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I doubt it - but they would have a much easier time targeting the SITE and the administrators, saying it should be shut down for providing assistance in this area. It would be like any company being responsible for someone using company resources to do something illegal - the site itself could be held liable, and even if it was for a CIVIL suit by the families for say, wrongful death, it would be something that could easily shut the site down, not something we'd want to invite trouble with.


It's also like any other dangerous information - post it publicly, and you never know who's REALLY using it for what purpose, it's a risk that most people aren't willing to take. This is a public site, and guests can browse at will - would you want to take the chance that someone in a rage wouldn't see your well intentioned advice and use it to harm someone else? There's no guarantee people will ONLY use something you post publicly for the intent you have in mind - and it's something to always be aware of.

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