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Guy I hardly know but would like to know better - but how?

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I feel silly posting this, but hey, this is the place to ask!


I'm in my early thirties and have been more or less single for a few years. A few months ago I met a guy that I'm very attracted to - he's a friend of a friend of mine. I've seen him a few times since then but we've never talked one-on-one - but I have a major crush happening! I'm not sure what to do to take things further, as I am unlikely to get a chance to talk to him privately - he's in a band so when I do see him, he's surrounded by other people and I feel too shy to approach him. I've thought that I've caught him looking at me a couple of times but maybe that was just wishful thinking! Now I'm not sure what to do next - should I come clean to our mutual friend that I have a crush on him and see what she suggests, or should I approach him at the next gig and talk about ... what? Please help! Thanks!

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I think that you should ask your mutual friend to casually bring up the topic of you during their next conversation to see what he thinks. If your friend agrees that he may be interested too, you should approach him after his next show. Just be really confident, congratulate him on the terrific performance, and ask him if he'd like to go out for a coffee/drink etc with you sometime.

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Thanks for the reply, Tinkerbell! I will take your advice and mention things to my friend, and see what she says (I'm too nervous to ask her to see what he thinks, and she knows him very well so she will have an idea of the best way to approach things.)


It's hilarious how nervous I feel - thought I was too old for this! Crushes are fun though

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