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I dont want a BOYFRIEND

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ok well to make a very long story short I DONT WANT A BOYFRIEND!!!! Ok had to get that off my chest, im better off being alone because the last person I loved broke my heart and I still miss him. Well I just talked to that guy 5 mins ago and things arent the same, when we were together, and now another guy likes me and asked me out I told him Id get back to him and I have him waiting I donno an easy way to just plain out say no I dont want you or any guy cuz there all pigs!!!!! (sorry guys) I just am so sick of gettin hurt and I know im better off alone wut should I say to this guy??? HELP!!!!!!!!!!

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Just tell him that you don't have the same relationship feelings that you once did and that you've moved on. Make him realize that he can't treat people any way he wants and get away with it, allowed to make the same mistakes with you a second time.


The more this guy sees that you don't want him, the more he's going to want YOU. Use it to get past your heartache. You're desired - but you don't have to let people into your heart unless they deserve it.


Good luck girl.

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I think you misunderstood Xandra, it's not her ex that's interested in her right now.


I suggest you tell your admirer the truth: You've been hurt quite a bit and you're not ready for another relationship yet. If you can see yourself dating this guy in the future, let him know that, but also tell him that he shouldn't wait around for you.

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Um...from a male point of view tell him what you just told us. Simple right


no I dont want you or any guy cuz there all pigs!!!!!




Me personally I think all girls are bratz and teasers so that is what I would say if that's what I feel.


Later 8)

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ok well to make a very long story short I DONT WANT A BOYFRIEND!!!! Ok had to get that off my chest, im better off being alone because the last person I loved broke my heart and I still miss him. Well I just talked to that guy 5 mins ago and things arent the same, when we were together, and now another guy likes me and asked me out I told him Id get back to him and I have him waiting I donno an easy way to just plain out say no I dont want you or any guy cuz there all pigs!!!!! (sorry guys) I just am so sick of gettin hurt and I know im better off alone wut should I say to this guy??? HELP!!!!!!!!!!
Tell the boys "I just want to be friends" and then start bragging about your feelings for your ex.
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