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Well, here is my situation!! about two weeks ago i met this amazing girl in one of my classes at school!! i was the first one to make a move, meaning starting the conversation, after awhile we started to get along!! she gave me her number out of the blue, so i returned the favor and gave her mine!! she told me that she had a boyfriend, at first i was like oh, man but then i was cool with it!! she told me to call her if i didnt have any plans for the weekend. Well, i did call her and she said lets go to the movies, and i was like okay!! in a way, we started to click great, we told each other everything about our lives, and for some reason she felt close to me because of the type of person that i am!! im sweet, caring, romantic and funny(thats what she likes about me) But, also, she fell in love with my eyes because of my long curly eyelashes and she did was stare at them!! but anyways, i had a great time with her that nite, and the following day, she asked me if i could pick her up from work and take her home, so i did, and we spent like three hours in my car just talking again!! once again, the following day, i asked her to dinner and she accepted!! so we went out again, and we had alot of fun!! about two days later we went out again, so basically it was like four days out of seven days that we saw each other!! i mean she has a boyfriend but lately she has been feeling kinda down because she had a fight with her boyfriend about why she is going out with guys!! but i dont think its fair to tell her who, she should go out with!! its like he's controlling what friends she should have!! so heres the problem, she told me that we have to back off going out with each other!! i was like what!! i didnt know it was illegal to go out with friends that are guys or girls!! is her boyfriend feeling jealous or is not trustworthy? thats why im feeling kinda down because of her boyfriend!! i luv having fun with her, and at some point i wanted to kiss her so badly but since she has a man, i dont want to do anything stupid!! so what should i do about this? please help

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You criticise her boyfriend for being jealous of her seeing other guys such as yourself and then you go on to say "at some point I want to kiss her so badly"


I think her boyfriend has every right to be jealous with guys like you around.


Don't take this the wrong way, if you and this girl genuinely like each other then fair enough you should go for it but you can't blame her boyfriend!

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Tread carefully DJ, right now, she's off limits since she has a boyfriend. If she were to cheat on her bf with you what makes you think she won't cheat on you if you two were dating? Really, I think you should just keep it as "friends" for now. From what you wrote sounds like she spends more time with you then her bf so she does like you obviously. Although refrain from jumping in a kissing her bro. For all you know she might only like you as a really good trusting friend. Just because you two get along real well doesn't mean she feels anything romantic for you. Either way, if she's going out with a guy already, back off and keep it as "friends" till she is single and then take it from there. Good luck bro.

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