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talking to gf

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is it better to talk to my girlfriend online or on the phone, because the amount of time i spend tlaking to her sometimes would be rediculous to talk on the phone all that time for money matters, dont get me wrong, i still call her every couple of days, i just talk to her most of the time online

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Both i think would be OK...it's communication, and not to many couples get enough good communication in, so be thankful you have time TO talk to her either Via: Internet, or phone, and don't forget in person.


If your not sure talk to her about it..ask he what she prefers.


If you live close together, get 2 way radios, Me and my Ex used them all the time, they are cheap, and have no monthly bills..just have to replace batteries from time to time..works good for college/university campuses.

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Switch to Nextel communications, use DIrect Connect, nation wide, ANYTIME no extra/hidden const, no minutes to use...and it's only 10.00 extra a mounth, So you get a really low minute system on the plan for the phone,And use only the Direct connect (Walkie Talkie Feature)


Problem soloved..your bills should be only 10.00+plus the plan you have with the phone..so your looking at around.


30-40-50 dolllars a month, maybe more if you get extra things like Long distance, but that is off the subject..


as for the Other walkie talkies, i believe Motorola sells a really nice one called the "Ranger" series..it has a distance of 5 miles, In a Clear path. meaning that the radio waves from unit-unit are not interfeared by something like Buildings, steel structures..etc,


The radio waves bounce off Those objects, and make it hard for the Voice to carry over to the other person, but if your in a Non-populated area, park, or lake..something like that, where there is space you might be able to clear the waypoint for the radio device to transmit a good clear voice..you can always go to your roof tops..that might also work better.

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