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Alot of women aren't attracted to the whole tongue piercing thing.

They think that because a guy (or girl alike) has their tongue pierced it makes them better kissers or better at oral sex..

NOT! true..

I've kissed and been with guys that didn't have any and kissed better then the ones who did.

It's all in the person itself, if you are a bad kisser or bad at other things a tongue ring isn't gonna help. LOL

Sorry i'm just rambling on.. But this is coming from a "Freak" as most people see me because I have all these piercings and people think oh yea you like giving head to a guy or I get all these weird looks from people who find out I have "private" piercings they think im a street walker.. But it's nothing like that.

People make all these big deals about tongue and other piercings in general because they think it makes things so much better or that every person, girls mainly are street walkers because of it.. Well sorry guys don't believe anything you read or hear.

Once again sorry for rambling and going away from ur post but i'm just trying to make a point .. Hehe


-Mythical Suicide-

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my nerves are preventing me. he acts like hes all over me when i see him but that is so rarely. he is coming home from uni in about 2 months and i am so excited about that but im also kind of apprehensive because i really like him but although he acts as though he likes me men can send out as mixed signals as we can cant they?!

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although he acts as though he likes me men can send out as mixed signals as we can cant they?!


Mixed signals? Men? I don't think we do, as a rule. It's not necesary for us to rely on mixed signals as women are within their social groups. If we've got a problem, we might get into a quick fist fight over it, and then it's settled. Women are different.

You may be picking up "mixed signals" from someone, but they may not be actually sending them. Maybe your looking 'too deep' into it. My suggestion is; take it as it comes and have fun. Don't think too much of it! Just enjoy it! =)

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the thing is with me right that i dont see colours i just see black.

and i always think that people are sending out mixed messages


I reckon what you're doing is creating messages that aren't there. People, uncluding women, are relatively simple creatures who behave the same way in similar situations.

If you're seeing these mixed messages 'all the time', then concentrate on their non verbal communication aka. body language. Once you start seeing these TRUE signals, life will become much easier to understand, and you rarely get these mixed messages.


People don't generally send mixed messages if you focus on bodylanguage, turn off 'the sound' and just watch them act! As for seeing everything in black, it'll pass.....

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