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Problem spots!

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I'm really happy with my body right now... mostly.


The problems are my very upper inner thighs and part of my upper arms. There is still a lot of fat in my inner thighs and my upper arms are a little flabby... as in, if I flex I can see skin/fat jiggling under my arm.


And I don't know how to fix these two spots. I know you can't spot reduce, and the problem with just losing more body fat is that my body fat is already pretty low. If I lost more than a two or three pounds of body fat, my body fat would probably be dangerously low.


So how do I get these parts of my body firmed up? Would toning help? What kind of lifts would help the very inner thigh and the upper arm? I already lift two days a week... I just apparently can't quite hit these muscles.



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squats, leg squeezes, and some triceps, bench press will help with those areas. ultimately, you will need to do more cardio and lift.


Thanks. Yeah, leg squeezes. I do those sporadically, but I should add them to my routine more. I was thinking that those would probably help. And I can add more bench press and squats into my routine too.


Also, I will sometimes swim instead of run for my cardio... would that target my inner/upper arms specifically? Or is that more shoulders?

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Thanks. Yeah, leg squeezes. I do those sporadically, but I should add them to my routine more. I was thinking that those would probably help. And I can add more bench press and squats into my routine too.


Also, I will sometimes swim instead of run for my cardio... would that target my inner/upper arms specifically? Or is that more shoulders?


leg spreads too. anything to tighten up on both sides of the leg. squats are good for the inner thigh too. if you are getting in good shape, it might not be fat but flab as well. just loose muscle that isn't being used much.

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