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what do u's think?

lil sis

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ok, this guy knows i like him (cuz i gave him a valentines n a bacardi silver (for his bday), and my friends told him). i spent the night at my friend's house (she's his cousin) and we (me, him, and my bud) got high. anyways, we were all bogged out after, and i wanted to sleep. i was dumb n couldn't get my chair to recline... so he did it for me. and i was jus about to go to sleep, and he brought me a blanket. *sigh*. ok, is that anything to freak out over? does it mean anythin? please advise!


~L'illest Sis

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no it really doesn't mean anything except that he is a nice guy. If you want to get with this guy you have to hang out with him and your friends more often. throw him some signals like complimenting him here and there but not too much. be careful not to sleep with him too quick if you want it to last.... trust me on this one

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i think i'll try eyeofthetiger's approach. i jus do small stuff like, look at him (smirk) then look away after he catches me. it would be so much easier if he talked to me. but anyways, i jus don't want it to be all weird if we went out right away cuz we still don't really know eachother. know what i mean? and of course i would get wit him right away! GEEZ. i'm knowing of that. well i'ma see him this weekend again, maybe i'll be a lil more courageous.

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