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I see to get jealous of practically everyone around me

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I'm basically a very jealous kind of person.And my jealousy is not specific to any relationship as such.I tend to get jealous of any person who I think is better off than me.And these pangs of jealousy usually last only for a little while.But I've ruined my life because of jealousy.I cannot think about a person without first getting jealous of his/her achievements.Sometimes I even get jealous of people who I think have something I don't when infact that is not the case.I've read that jealousy usually stems from low self esteem.I don't seem to have any problems with my self esteem .It's just that sometimes i can't tolerate other people being as successful as me.Especially when they don't deserve it.Please help me.Or this jealousy will kill me.

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You really have to learn to accept that everybody is different, you need to accept yourself for who you are. As soon as you respect yourself your confidence will grow and you will learn not to be jealous of others.


Whenever you feel jealous of someone just stop and think: why am i jealous? what will being jealous achieve?

Then take some deep breaths and get on with your life.


You cant let jealousy hold you back!

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dont be like that .. are u involved in any kinda activitys? ne clubs do u have ne idea on what YOU can Achieve? it seems like u think everyone else is better than u.. n thas not true..u need to get some confidence in urself maybe hangin with ur family , talkin to a close relative if u dont trust ur friends..ur fam may understand what ur goin through..he** they might have gon through the same thing..be careful and take care of urself..

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Hi Jasmine, I know someone who has a jelousy problem similer to yours. At first I tried very hard to be their friend. Then everytime that I told them something I had done, or had gotten or was going to do...they acted funny around me. And after a while it got to the point where they were so jelous that they actually got pretty nasty with me one day and nothing's been the same since. I avoid them at all costs, and I wish sometimes I had given them a piece of my mind about their behaviour when i had the chance. It hurt to know that I had tried to be their friend when no one else would and there were even times I was jelous of THEM but I didn't let on, or resent them for it. It seems that they are so afraid someone will do something they aren't , get something they dont have or whatever they go crazy trying to beat everyone to the punch and it really makes them mad when some one DOES. I feel this person's jelousy is focused at me mostly by the things they do and say around me. I think its strange since I actually envied them at times...but not to the point where I hated them. It makes me feel bad, and I spend a lot of time wondering what is up? Did I do something?? Just don't let it get so far that you have no friends anymore. Chances are the people you are pushing away by being jelous really mean well and want to be your friend and aren't trying to rub things in your face or make you feel bad about yourself. You are a special person too and have your own talents and abilities. And some of the people you are so jelous of probably envy YOU at times too. But trust me if you let this jelousy keep going, it will push everyone away.

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