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Normal Male hetero behaviour ?

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I have a bit of a weird topic.

It seems that as a heterosexual male, I seem to like anal sex......

I like it when a woman does that to me with a toy.

Is this normal ?

Do women think that is ok ?

Or am i bisexual or something ? I am not attracted to men.

what does this mean ?

Any input is appreciated

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Welcome to enotalone


Can't say that it is something that I would enjoy, but I don't think it is abnormal. Stimulation of the prostrate is supposed to be quite enjoyable. I just can't get past the idea of putting something in a place that is designed for the purpose of sending things out. As for what women think of it, I can't answer that for you. I do know that there are women that are into that kind of thing, but I have a feeling that you are asking for what the majority of women thing. You'll have to let them answer that for you.

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