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Update to Mysterious Phone call

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Hello Everyone.


Just wanted to give an update on the mysterious phone call and to thank you for the responses.


This morning, two days after the mysterious phone call from the ex at 10:45 p.m. I finally just called her to ask what she wanted.

( does this mean I broke no contact ? )


Phone call:

Ring Ring

Me: Hi...

her: hello...

Me: I see that you called the other night, did you need something ?

her: No I just called....

Me: Well, why ?

her: I just called... no reason

Silence on both parts for 30 secs....

Me: Ok then, well i guess I'll talk to you later.

Silence on both parts for 30 more seconds

Me: Bye

Answer: bye


Any insight to this ? Anything is appreciated.

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wow, thats kind of creepy.... i dont know what's happened before.. this is an update to some previous post. (stating the obvious, i kno...) all i can think of to explain this weird phone call is.. boredom.. (??). i probably dont know what im talking about.. oh, well. i wish you the best of luck though!

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