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too shy to talk


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I'm going out with this girl, she's 12 and im 14 (her b-day is in a couple of weeks, and I just turned 14) and i like her a lot... a TON... okay, i love her. but when we talk at school, we're both too shy to start a conversation, but we can easily talk on the internet, and im just really shy and sh**



and if anybody knows... how do you kiss? i mean... I know how, but WHEN does it happen? how do you know when to kiss?

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your trying to hard to talk. ask her about herself and tell her things about yourself. If you run out of that just talk about stuff happening at your school. as for the kiss part. You will know when the time comes. The eyes are very important.


P.s. Why are you dating a 12 year old at 14. 2 years is nothing past 18 but 2 years around that age is a big gap

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it's more like one year, as I said, I just turned 14, and she's just about to turn 13. that's only a year... so... yeah... and I already know a lot about her, from talking online


im gonna post something just for fun of me and her talking online:


her: have you ever kissed before?

me: no

me: have you?

her: yeah, but it was just a truth or dare

me: i wouldn't know how to kiss *blushes*

her: it's not that hard

me: do you give lessons? jk

me: lol

her: lol

her: I would give lessons to you


haha, funny


so... yeah...

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hah, u sound like me. cept that im not going out with anyone. anyways, just walk up to her and talk. like what do u talk to ur friends about. and joke around, so u have like a little inside joke going around. if ur just to shy to get together individually, then go with a group of friends, some of urs and some of hers preferably. go to something where ur doing a lot of talking such as walking around in the mall, or an amusment park. hope i helped. good luck

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