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asking her friend out

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Well, I posted a month ago about a friend I wanted to ask out. Long story short, she just wants to stay friends. Since then, I've hung out with her and her best friend a few times. A couple of days ago, she asks me if I like her friend. Although I don't really know her that well I said yes. Now, I don't recall flirting with her friend or anything, so do you think her friend likes me and wanted to see if I like her (basically is she trying to hook us up)? I'm pretty sure she wants to go out with me, I'm just not sure about how to proceed and ask her out. Its always the three of us so we don't have any time alone to talk. Any advice?

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i feel u prolly have about a 60% chance that the friend mite like u. for one thing, u said u three always hang out, so she prolly has SOME strong feelings for u, whether they're actual interest, i don't know. Also, when some girl asks u if u like another girl it is a good sign that person likes you(i've had some experince there). And a third possible circumstance is that the girl who asked you was just curious sense before u had told her that u liked her, and she wanted to know if u still did. hope i was some help, good luck!

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Thanks. Well, I don't really know whats going on now. Nothing has happened since she asked me if I like her friend. Its really frustrating. I can never find a good moment to find out if she actually likes me. I've hinted a couple of times and gotton good responses. But whenever I mention her friend she makes it seem like I have a crush on her and doesn't ever mention how her friend might feel. Now I really like her and want to go out with her, but it just seems like I like her and she could go either way. I hate going back to liking someone who may not like be back. I thought this would be a sure thing since she asked me if I was interested, when I never hadn't showed any interest in her yet. I have her number, but I got it because she got my number from her friend and called me. She's called a few times, but I never really talked to her, just made plans for the three of us. Would it be wise to call her? Its weird, I never really thought about this girl before, but since I found out she may like me, I've started to develop a crush on her. I'm hoping to get some more info about this from my friend tomorrow, but with my luck it'll be like the last three days and I'll get nowhere. Any more advice? Thanks.

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ya i seem to do that too if i find out or have a hunch some girl likes me, well if ur starting to like her, i'd say call her and ask her to do something just u 2. if its not a sure thing that she likes u, big deal, the bigger the risk, the bigger the reward. just asking her to do something isnt that big of a risk, the worst that happens is she doesnt really like u. and since u've only started a crush, that'll be easier to get out of

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