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Should I ask her out?

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Hey all,


I guess the first thing (i've never done this b4) is to tell you a lil about my problem and give you some backround. I'm 15, and g2 private school. The girl i like is 14, 15 in 2 months and goes to my old public school. She also happens to be my friends sister. Anyway, lately i've started to like her ALOT, and shes seemed to warm up to me. In the past she's just kinda been like "ohh, Hi, rick" and move on. this past month or 2, shes shown up at 2 of my swim meets, and is quick to tell everyone that i'm her friend. However, i'm kinda gettin mixed signals, shes told one of my friends that she likes me "as a friend" but i dont know, as her brother keeps hinting that she likes me, in a joking way, but nonetheless... Another cuious thing, is that she rarley IM's me, but when she does, or when I IM her, we talk for hours, sometimes 3 or 4 at a time. I've wanted to ask her out for about a month now, but i'm not sure if i should, as i really do fear rejection. Thank you for your time



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If I was you I would ask her out as a friend say something like. Hi do you want to go see a movies on friday and see a movie. It sure worked for me when I asked this question to a girl that I like. The girl that I like was my friend so I know her for sometime before I have asked her. When I asked her that question. She said yes really quickly and then gave me her address and phone number. From that point on we talk more and we are getting into a good relationship. If you guys go to the movies just remember to ask her what movie does she want to see. Leat her pick the movie. See what happens. If you don't want to go to the movies then go out for dinner or what ever you prefer. Rmember if you don't try anything then you might regreat it later on.

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From what you've told me, as of now it doesnt seem like she's interested in you. She doesn't IM you, and she says she likes you as a friend. However you never know with girls and sometimes they play hard to get and they want to make it seem like they don't like you, and that might be the case considering i dont know the situation very well. I think you should ask her, say honestly, would you ever wanna be more than friends and you know go see a movie just the two of us, and do it in a clever way. See how she reacts. You w/ill know immediately where you stand, trust me. Judge her reaction, look at her face, take a mental note. You have nothing to lose and even though she probably just l ikes you as a friend, you might still get a chance with her on a date and she might fall for you, you never know. Just give it a shot.

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Thanks alot, both of you. I'm gonna try next week, when we both have winter break. Things are just really confusing. One day its friend, the next shes tellin my friends that i'm really cool, and that were "close" I think i just need a sedative, becuase this is the second girl i've had an intrest in, and i don wanna screw up, and to add some clairty, she does IM me, but it almost seems like shes a dam, like as soon as we start talking, we never stop, but you gotta open the flood gates first.


Thanks again



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