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Feeling that she isnt that into me, but claims to be


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So ive been dating this girl for about a month, and she is contacting me on a daily basis, but seems to have drifted away, I feel like she isnt opening up to me, like she has her own world and own life. In my mind, its like girlfriend time alll the time, shes is alll im thinking about, but i feel like she insnt thinking about me as much. Even when we are together, she cant leave her phone down, and is constantly texting friends. I ask her if shes still in this and still likes me and shes says yes, and is like stop asking, because i keep doing it, but i cant help but feel like she doesnt need me that much. I dunno it started out great and she even shared how it sucked for her to be away from me, but its like she doesnt need that much contact during the day. I guess i wish she was texting me constantly and missing me all day, and its not the case, although she does miss me at certain times. But her texting has definitely calmed down, and i am not getting as much attention from her.

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from personal expirience, when a girl tells you to stop asking her if she likes you, it means she's trying to avoid the subject. she could still like you, but is taking advantage of the situation. if you suggest a break from the relationship, see how she reacts. if you say "i think we need some time apart, i'm not convinced that you're in this." see if she immediately jumps in fear or goes with it calmly. i know it's not what you want to hear, but try it and let me know how it goes!

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You have to ride it out and see what happens with this one but I can tell you for sure if you become too needy she will pull away and you will loose her so give her some space and se how things play out. Her texting her friends and whoever else while you guys are on dates is definitely not a great sign though, almost as if she needs outside entertainment to be stimulated while with you.

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