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What do u do wen u get the feeling dat u n ur best friend are slowly becoming strangers? lately me n my best friend sorta stop talkin. i used to walk her home even though it was out of my way. we used to talk all the time despite the fact me n her are in different classes. see me n her used to be in the same class so this year when me n her werent we both started finding new people to talk to. the people i started talking to, we bcame good friends, and vice versa with the new people she started talking to.

turns out the new people we were talking to were really closed with each other. so it was a big group and the best part was me n my best friend still remained good friends. then...............there was a fight in the group. but it didnt involve me and my best frienD but somehow we got caught in the middle...........and we stopped talkin we "picked" sides. when the fight was resolved we agreed to make peace. but nothing was the same. we stopped talkin again...........i started walkin home with my friends n she started walkin home with her friends......this year were graduating n i dunt want to end it this way, losing a good friend. any ideas how to fix this problem?

-------------------------------------------------------------life is full of hills. so b ready to jump over it

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It happens... it's happened four times before to me and each time I've felt that somehow we were both going in our own directions. You won't forget being her friend, but you shouldn't be mean to her either... she's just an aquaintance, someone whom you know vaguely... I don't think you should concentrate on staying friends, I think you should concentrate on keeping your relationship civil, if not mega-tight. Go with the flow...

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