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Is she trying to tell me something?

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Well, one of my "groupies" (see link removed ) is starting to like me a bit more, which I find odd. She loves to pet me, poke me, and talk to me. Infact, she was the one that started the whole I'm a "teddy bear/puppy dog" (see link removed again) thing that got my "groupies" doing things also. My friends even think she has a thing for me, but I have my doubts, she usually just likes petting my hair and saying how its so fun. Here are also some bits of conversation we would have (note, I dont want to reveil either of our names, so my name will be "Bob" and hers will be "Sue"):

Sue: All Bobs scare me.

Bob: My names Bob, do I scare you?

Sue: No, your different, you amuse me .

Bob: Oh my

-other bit-

Bob: Well, I'm gonna get a haircut this weekend.

Sue: Why? I like your hair, keep it that way

Bob: Dont worry, It'll grow back


-last bit to post-

Sue: *pokes and pets Bob* Your so pettable and pokeable, your like a puppy dog .

Random friend: Aww, Bob and Sue



I'm sure its nothing though, just kinda odd.

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well... she seems like she is making a move on u, i think u should only ask her out if u like her and if ur really ready for that kinda thing. sumtimes gals just like to play around with boys so maybe u could ask her wot she thinks of u before u actually ask her to go out with you


all in all just good luck with her mate

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