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I am 15 years old. I always have the strangest feeling that i like another girl more than my girlfriend. I mean when i'm around my girlfriend i don't have the same feelings that I do around this other girl. Sometimes I think that I should break up with my girlfriend and ask out the other girl. BUT the big problem is, is that one, i don't know how the other kids in my grade would take it because I'm what the, stupid, social groupings call an "outsider" (even though i've known these kids since pre school). The second major problem is that the other girl is one grade lower than I and she is my best friends sister. I don't know how they would take that either.



I am not having a mental brake down orf anything , I just want a little advice.

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I suggest you take a look at what your current relationship may be lacking. Ask youself why you feel better with this other girl.


Sometimes people believe the grass is greener on the other side, but most of the time this isnt the case. Dont chase that butterfly feeling unless you are completely sure it is correct.

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I can understand where you are coming from. I know how that is, to be going out with one girl and to have feelings for another. That is totally normal. However, if you believe they are strong enough for you to dump your girlfriend for her, you must seriously know how much you like this other girl.


It sounds like to me that these two girls are totally different, and one hand you like your girlfriend and probably like some of her qualities, but you also like some of the other qualities that this other girl has too. Some people are different and you feel more comfortable with and can relate better with. Just because of this doesn't mean they are dateble people. You need to decide if you think this other girl would be dateble if you broke up with your current girlfriend and exactly what you are looking for in a girlfriend.


There is also the issue that this other girl happens to be your bestfriends little sister. Well that is definitely an issue, and you need to talk about it to your bestfriend if you happen to break up with your girlfriend for this other girl. If my bestfriend did that to me, I wouldn't be happy about it at all.. but that might change if they talked to me about it first.


Things are complicated and it really just comes down to what you are looking for in a girlfriend. If you know what you want, then you are already headed on the right path.


Good luck!

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