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Just wanted to say that posting here really helped me get some clarity on my situation, and now a situation that's been brewing for months is on its way to a resolution. So thank you guys, very much. I was able to talk to my SO without fighting, and had my wits about me enough to be understood, and I think things are going to be ok. I haven't felt that way in a long time.

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Yeah, we sat down and talked, and we're going to try living apart for awhile. We're not officially ending things forever, more of a trial seperation, but because we have to be out of this house by the end of the month anyway, we don't want to commit ourselves to another place when we're not sure how things will turn out between us. I'm pretty sad about it, but things have been going in this direction for awile now, and I think it helped me a lot to talk it out on this site.

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