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Hey everyone... To make a long story short, over the last few years I've been quite ill with a a number of things (Pneumonia, bronchitis, whooping cough, etc..) I was also hospitalised for 2 months because of heart problems that were due to an extreme amount of weight loss. I also happen to be anemic. I visit my doctor on a regular basis and last time she told me she thinks I have a deficiency of antibodies (another wonderful thing to add to my list of health problems ) Anyway, I'm going for a blood test this week to find out if that's the case, but I'm curious to know exactly what will happen if I do have that. I've read some things on the internet about it but I'm still not sure. I know what antibodies are so I took biology, but I don't know whether or not there's a cure for the lack of them. I'm trying not to get too worried but it's hard since a number of people pointed out that a lack of antibodies is one of the first signs of leukemia (I'm absolutely positive I don't have cancer tho, I mean a person can have only so many diseases! Heehee)


If you know anything on the subject please share it with me.

Thank you.

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I had a similar problem as a child - I was gamma globulin deficient and almost constantly had chronic bronchitis and pneumonia since I had next to no immune system. The treatment in my case was a few months of a series of gamma globulin injections - not pleasant exactly, but it did take care of the deficiency permanently. The only other time I've had really low resistance was following a bout with mono - took almost a year to get normal immune system back. But apart from that, that was the total of the treatment, and no related problems since.

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