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Well, here is my situation!! about two days ago, i asked one of "girl" friends out meaning i asked her if she wanted to start seeing each other, because in a way she wanted me to ask her out, to be more than friends!! and i did ask her, and she was surprised i guess!! she told me that she need time to think about it, so i gave her time and she finally told me today that im such a great guy and she sees herself going out with me but she doesnt want that right now!! the concept of dating!! i mean i was in a disappointed because i care about her and i like her and i want to start something with her!! so, she told me that she wants us to be "close" friends for now. What exactly does that mean? So, i was wondering do u think that since we're close friends that we can still go out with each other, or is it bad? i mean we can go out with each other to the movies, dinner, etc.? i mean if u have any suggestions or advice, please let me know!! oh, yeah by the way do u think if we go out as friends maybe we can hook up or something/

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At the moment your both really good friends and i think that she afraid that if you to "hook up" together that afterwards if you fall out then you'll lose your friendship. I say give her some time just be friends for the time being if she then decideds to go out with you then perfect it's what you want and it's what she want's. I think that sometime close friends make the best gf/bf's because you really close, you share things and they already know all there is to know about you. All relationships have to start off as a friendship no matter who it is, it's always a starting point. I wouldn't rush her into anything, just play along with it and be the best friend you can be, im quite sure it will have it's rewards to come.


Hope this has helped .


- whitefang

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If she says she wants to be friends and nothing more, than you should respect her decision. She knows how you feel about her so if she happens to change her mind, chances are she'll let you know she's ready to begin dating. In the meantime, don't try and go out on dates with her because she made it clear that's not what she wants.

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