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Good Afternoon,


I really need your help and advice. I was seeing a guy at school for a few months, but we got into a very messy argument and ended our friendship. We see each other almost everyday and still don't say really much of anything to eachother. It been a few months and I don't know why he is holding such a grudge against me. The only thing I did was make the mistake of admitting that I said something I shouldn't have said to a buddy of mine about him and I. I honestly didn't think it was a big deal because it was me, too. It's really hard for me because I still want a friendship and now he treats me like we are strangers. Maybe things would be easier if we didn't see eachother in class, but I really don't think so.


I tried and tried to be friendly, but he still acts real coldly towards me. He acts like I cheated on him or told his deepest darkest secret (which I didn't). I really want to talk to him about building a friendship, but I'm scared he will reject me once again. What should I do? Please help me.

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Regardless of whether it was a big deal to your or not, what ever it was, it appears to be a big deal to him. All things are relative to the people they affect. It sounds to me like he is having feelings of betrayal. Trust broken is difficult to get back. It takes a lot of committment to the relationship to make it happen. He probably feels that you betrayed him and he's really not interested in putting effort in a friendship where he is not sure of whether or not he can trust you.



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ive been through something similar..but i mean forget about him and he will try getting back with u and by that time u will be over him and moved on found somebody better ....


things to do that have helped me get over my ex..

not seeing him ..helps lots

spending time with family

sorround urself with friends who support u

join an after school activity..u like sports?

nething really would get ur mind off the jerk



if hes being a jerk start a rumor lol..tell ppl he sucks in bed..even if ur lieing .. that will get back to him and he will want to ask u but he wont because of the embarissment..hehe.. i hope i helped ya some

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You all asked what secret did I tell. I told my best friend that he and I had sex. When I told him that I told her about it, he got upset and felt like if I told her, I probably have told everyone. (which I didn't) The reason I confessed to him that I told her, was because I wanted to be honest, even though I should have told him this fact from he jump. The moment he had meant a lot to me. I wasn;t going to say anything to my best buddy, but I ended up telling her, because after he and I did it, he didn't call me a couple of days afterwards. I was feeling bad and I needed someone to talk to. Besides, I found out later that he dd the same thing, so what's the difference?


Was I wrong? Please tell me your opinion, because i am so confused.

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