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Did I screw up?

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Well lets see here, My ex from 8 years ago and I just worked a temp job together, it was strange to say the least, I found myself flirting pretty seriously with her, which she obviously took note of, after work that night she called me on it, saying that she thinks I still like her, which infact I do, and the feeling is mutual between us. So she asks me out for valentines day. We go out and end up talking for several hours. The next night the same thing, we sat in her car and talked for atleast 2 hours. Here is where it gets a lil weird. I live about 2 1/2 hours from her, during our little chat we had exchanged numbers and we're planning a trip for her to come down here, It was getting late so it was agreed that we both needed sleep and that she was going to call me in the next few days just to talk. Upon exiting her car I gave her a hug, nothing more, nothing less, but i could tell that she wanted a kiss, me being on the shy side gave her another hug, told her to have a good night and went to my car. I saw her breifly the next day where she works and she didnt seem all that happy to see me. Well I came home, and somehow somewhere lost her number, and she is still yet to call me, Should I be worried? Or does any of this story make sense? Heh im on sleep depravation here, but this has been eating at my mind for awhile. Any advice is greatly apperciated!!

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Hi Diggy,


If you are sure that she is not attached, then don't hold back. Arrange for a date with her. Tell her your feelings straight up (she, being your ex), there's not really a 'getting to know you' stage here.


It must be awkward to be working around someone with all this tension going on. Resolve this soon if you can. It's for the good of both of you.


Good luck!

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Actually it was a relativly clean breakup, it was more of a "we were young" Kind of thing. I had dated her when I was 15, and she lived in a diffrent town, it was only about 30 miles away but we never saw each other because neither of us could drive at the time. I think thats what ultimatly got us. Im pretty sure shes not still attached to her ex because we had talked about it during one of the hour long chats that we had. That night after work when she called me out on the whole flirting thing, it was pretty much agreed upon that we both still like each other, so the feelings are mutual between each of us, Im just woried that the no kiss thing really upset her.

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