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14 and Pregnant


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Well... yah im 14 and im pregnant. I really dont know what to do because I dont feel like i can tell anyone... Im thinking about running away but I really dont know where to go or what to do. I feel so ashamed and low. I know what im going to do afterwards but what to do now... and should i quit school because I dont think I could go to school pregnant...

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DON'T QUIT SCHOOL!!! That is never a good idea.


Your are going to have to tell people at some point. I'm sure it's scary to have to tell people that care about you, but it's the best thing to do. Better than running away anyway. Just stick it out girl. I think you know what you need to do, but it's just scarry right? Even if it's hard you have to do what you know is right.

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I would suggest you go to a Planned Parenthood near you. They will tell you all of your options and they are used to helping people with these decisions. I would say do not run away. You might get into a worse situation than you are now. How far along are you? I would not quit school if you can help it. And if you are less than 3 months pregnant than you have a lot of options at this point. They also have some high school programs for pregnant girls. You need to talk to a counselor.


keep your chin up!


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Look, I understand that you feel really scared now, and it all seems like the end of the world (well, almost). But the point is that now your situation is not that awful, and you can get help and solve it and return to normal life. I agree that some things will change, and it'll mostly be you and the way you look on things. Most if aspects of your life won't suffer of it.


On the other hand, if you run away, or quit school... Most if not all of those aspects WILL suffer and will suffer a lot. It's much more complex than you think... and finally, if you don't SOLVE the problem it'll go with you all the way wherever you go.


What I said so far is that the earlier you do your first step and get help - the earlier you solve the problem! The more you'll wait, the larger the problem will become, especially if you quit school, run away, or do other things that may ruin your life.


I know I'm telling you now something you perhaps realize anyway at some level of consciousness, and as "Nifty_Swifty1" has said - you should do that thing that you think is right. And it is get help.


You know... sometimes there are situations where you go for the smaller trouble. Well dunno if it's as good as an example... but in the movie "Master and Commander", one of the crew falls into the water during a storm, and if they saved him (waited till he swims to the rescue vessel), the whole ship would sink. So they left him to die in the middle of the sea.

If you get help, you WILL feel embarrassed, feel stupid, feel asamed. But with time you will understand that you SHOULDN'T BE. People make mistakes. So what? Can't you?? Aren't you a human too?!


If you have caring parents and you know you can trust them, you can try to talk with your mom. You can tell her you've got a problem, and you're afraid that she'll get angry and you can't tell her. That's enough for her to help you tell her, and believe me she won't make you feel worse.

If you can't talk with your parents, try to talk with some sort of a psychologist, like a school counsellor, or an older brother/sister/cousin, or an uncle/aunt/grandma, neighbour you trust etc.


It's more important to solve it now and not to let the problem grow, and it IS urgent. So muster the courage, and ask for help. From the fact you've asked it here, I see that you have a lot of courage and you do try to solve the problem the best way. So do it!


If you have a question, feel free to PM me.


Best of luck!



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hey when i went to my local clinic to ask about what i should do if i ever got pregnant


One of the choices that stood out ot me was that there is a pill u can take that aborts the baby out of your monthly period. I think that option is open to pregnant girls who are very early on into their pregnancy. Go check that out kay?


If you are well on into it more than a month or so, i know it scary and you think running away may be the best thing to do but when you come down to it, it's really the worst thing you could do. Dont' woryr about it i know you can stick it out. I know some girls your age who have been pregnant and they've made it through.


Do what's best for you and your chilld...kay

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  • 4 weeks later...

I really feel bad for you and your situation. You are going to have to tell people some time, so why not now?! That will give people time to think what has happened over; Remember though that even if yoou tell them, they dont have to like it. Before telling people, make sure that you know what can happen: People are going to talk about you and call you a slut or whatever! Being pregnant can be hard but that means that you are just going to do overtime. Stay in school, quitting to raise a child seems tempting, but if you quit, how will you support your child when you grow older? Stay happy and do what is best for both you and your child! [-o

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Don't run away. I know that you're scared and alone, but trust me, you aren't. You should give your parents more credit. I highly doubt that they would kick you out because you're pregnant. More than likely, they will try to help you as much as they possibly can. Definitely give Planned Parenthood a try before doing something foolish like running away or anything remotely detrimental to you & your baby.

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