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I told him what makes me happy, no reaction

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I have seen a lot of these forums where Men say they don't understand women. They say, "how do I know what she wants" Well, I thought I would not have this problem in my relationship because I TOLD him what I want and what I need to be happy, in a loving and caring way. And I have asked him to do the same, though he doesn't. I told him I can't read your mind and I don't expect you to read mine. So what do you do when you have informed him and he still doesn't act on any of it?

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Hello lfshadow, and Welcome!!


Hmmm, well without specifics its hard for me to comment. But perhaps what you have asked him to do he is simply not capable of. I mean if you want someone to be outgoing and carefree to make you happy, but they just aren't that kind of person then you will likely be disappointed.


Can you give more details of what you have asked of him? Maybe then I could give you more assistance.

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