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A little late, Or not?


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Do you think it is a good idea to give a Valentines day gift, to a girl, dissreguarding it's a little late...before you say yes (or) no, think about this...I bought the gift, and wanted to give it too her on V-day, but she didn't show up at the Club that night, even thow she had said she was going to be there...the week before, So on V-day i bought this Stuffed animal, It's Big red dog, has a bow around it's neck, and looks really cute. *even to me* So i grabbed it off the shelf, without thinking twice about who it was for.




Iv 'e known the girl for about 3-4 weeks, we always dance together, and have deep conversations about anything really..Also the week before V-day she had told me to kiss her on the cheek, this may of been b/c she had a lot to drink that night, I walked her out to her car, and told her friend and her-->(driving) to make sure that they both made it home safely that night, She said that was so thoughtful of me...I have already determined she is attracted to me, we both can say that for sure ...We constantly *verbal* flirt..but nothing intimate besides the cheek kiss she asked for 2 weeks ago..So I'm still sitting on this red Dog, and i'm wondering if it's a good idea to give it to her tonight, or just to keep it for myself?

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Hi S4il,


I think she would like that present, doesn't matter that it's a week late i gave my V-day gift a day early (i know big gap, but what the hey) with it being the last day of college and with half-term and all. But i got a hug from her and a big thank you. So im verys sure she love it, after all who would turn down a cute Red Dog with a Bow, i bought mine a Red and White Stuffed Dog... lol.


Hope this has helped, i wish all the best


Inu Yasha

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Well, to me i think you should, and i mean who said it had to be a LATE valentines gift, it could be somthing you bought for her just because you were thinking about her. But even if you still said it was a late valentines present she shouldnt mind. So i think you should just go ahead an give her the gift.




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You said:

So on V-day i bought this Stuffed animal, It's Big red dog, has a bow around it's neck, and looks really cute. *even to me*


Man you have to give up your membership to the mans club. Enough kidding. If she shows tonight give her the present and just say that you saw this and it reminded you of her. She will be glad and maybe the intimate stuff will start early.


Good Luck,


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I'm a lot like you. I would buy the gift and give it to her to make her go "Awww". However some girls might see this as a bit forward and it may freak them out. It's NOT like you're buying her diamonds or something, so it's not such a big deal.


Personally, I'd give it to her. Though you may want to make it a "just because" gift rather than a Valentine's gift. This makes you more of a great guy, because you can say "I saw this and thought you'd love it. It's *almost* as cute as you." Or something like that.

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Ok, so it's a Green light, Great.. Now what to say..


the 'it reminded me of you" i like that one..it's safe, and doesn't make it seem to forward.


I was also thinking of saying "so now that he is your what is his name going to be?"


"we can't call him spot, b/c he has no spots, and the name RED would be to much, so I want to hear your suggestions"

just to make her laugh a little more I'll add some humor, And to soften the moment, something like


"he has already had his shots, and he is fixed...(I'll flip him over and point in that area) if i get her to laugh I'll keep it up...I'm a pretty fast thinker


Thanks you guy, really appreciate it..

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I would go for it and give it to her. If she is a down to earth person, kind, respectful type she'll accept the big red dog with gracious thanks without question. If she comes at you with some criticism about the gift or some other kind of garbage like a put down then re-evalutate your relationship.

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lol, i could really imagine a girl walking out of a club infact you into a club with a massive red dog and a bow. thats pretty sweet in itself and a pretty big step. could you imagine it if she said no thanks.


BUT thats not going to happen since youve determined she likes you, just lets hope shes not scared of dogs or something lol even though it is fake.


no really, i would give it her, i think if you go out and buy something for a particular person you should give it to them because at that moment you wanted to. and well even if it is late valentines day its important right, had she been there you would have given it to her so yeah go for it.



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