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ok ive been going out with my girlfriend for a little over 2 weeks and we still havent made out were like about to move on to second base but we havent even gone to first. just in case second base is handjob and fingering. well me and her went to the movies last weekend she went in for the french i thought she wanted a kiss on the lips and my lips got a shower if u know what i mean that was a miscommunication problem. how can i make a move into french kissing her and how do you do it? my friend said it was somethin like sticking your tongue up like if you were tryin to pick your nose. i dont know. im going to the mall 2night and kinda grounded so if i can get some replies quick that would b great thank you

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hey man its just natural. Let her know that your not really experienced... and she will understand. In fact I am sure she would be glad to show you. She will have fun well... just go natural, you put your lips on hers and it simply just happens. One thing tho... don't use too much tongue! lol.


Just give and go, no worries.


For Another

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Just be yourself and you know the saying "Practice makes perfect" we all feel like this at some point in our lives and we just take as it go e.g. go with the flow 8) . Im sure that everything will be fine just take it slow and do things in both your own time, there's no need for rushing.


Hope this helps


Inu Yasha

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