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About 3 years ago I met this guy online, and after awhile things started to get serious. We talked on the phone every night until we could hardly keep our eyes opened and ever since we first met we've always talked about meeting one day.

About 5 months ago I started a relationship with my bestfriend and don't get me wrong, Its been a great experience, but the problem is that I'm always wondering what might have been if I were to still talk on the phone with the other guy every night and still be head over heels for him. I've never quite known what drew me so close to the guy I met online, but theres always been something I've seen different in him then with anybody I've ever met. I often find myself wanting to break up with the guy I'm with now even if I just think about the other guy for one second. I don't want to hurt the guy I'm with now because he has treated me the best out of everyone for as long as I can remember, but I seriously don't know what to do. The guy I met online still calls me almost every night, but I never pick up the phone becauce of what I may do or say to hurt my boyfriend now... Please Help me.. I'm so confused..


Thank you in advance


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Hi Jenn ~


Life is complicated to say the least. And you definitely have an interesting situation. Really its up to you, hon, and for some reason I think you already knew that, right?


So why don't you make the choice - which guy will you pursue? Just be sure to consider the feelings of the guy you're currently seeing. From what you said it seems he cares for you and it would be pretty sad if you strung him along w/ false hopes. If you aren't true to the relationship - stop, let him off (easy) and allow him to find someone who will treasure him for his worth.


Best of luck and sense w/ your decision. Hope its a fruitful one.



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ok ive had a little think about your situation.


i have been in a Long-Distance relationship and it was a very hard and heartbreaking experience.but i did think long and hard about the risk of heart ache.


thats the decision that faces you.do you want to persue this relationship with the online guy then go for it.but ake sure you now what exactly u are in for.


i understand that you dont want to hurt your bf.thts really caring and gd of you.from my personal experience,long distance doesnt work because of the lack of time being together and the extra hassle.


so its up to you.u have to decide one or the other.it isnt fair on either if you string them along.im sure you will make the right choice.


if you genuinely feel more for the nline guy then him.if you dont i wouldnt risk it personally.but its how you feel about both of them.


hope ive helped.post any developments back!

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