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Coronado high?

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HI everyone. i have a question, i haven't been on the web for about three weeks because i just moved to Henderson Navada right by las Vegas, like 10 min. away. well i go to this new school called Coronado High and i wanted to know if there was anyone here that goes there.

well see ya,

love Qtpie87

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hey....sry, i dont go to coronado high, but i just wanted to say that i use to live in henderson, i use to go to silverado high, and i just though it was cool that u moved there..its a really nice place, id love to stay in touch with u, cuz eventully im sure you´ll meet ppl from other skools and it would be tight to see if we both new teh saym ppl....but henderson is a really great place...well i loved it, i had SOO much fun!...and if u have any questions of...i udnno WHATEVER...henderson, the strip, the people...or anythign else... id be really glad to answer all your questions, if i can...lol..ok see ya bye!

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OMG!! i just realized your the girl that i sent soem advice to....of your guy that u liked and...well im sure u rememebr me...but wow...wut a coinsidence...that u moved to the place where i lived in!....well just wanted to say again..and u know me...if u have any questions on anything ill answer them....whoa..tahst just soo weird...ok well g2g babe ttyl! take care!...o and oen question..hwo come u moved to henderson..and where did u move from?..ok bye!

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