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Got a no, how to talk again

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i asked a girl out and she said no to me we talked heaps on the net and i met up with her once. anyway its weird talking to her now and i wanna know what to say to break the silences again and keep a conversation going without making it weird keep in mind i dont need ice breakers i need converstaion starters again and also i need your help its been about 2 weeks and since she said no and i cant move on, i dont want anyone else but her so can u guys tell me is it love? (out of curiosity) and how to move on

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i think it would be more of a lust situation that a love but your heart can determine that.

i think if your trying to initiate a conversation then be yourself, youve met her before talked loads so you know her interests. even though this does phase you how shes said no, let her know that you still care and generally bring up a conversation. dont act awkward or anything, just think how you used to start a convo and go for it.


well thats what i would do.


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Dang dude, you got it bad. I can relate to that. Thoguh it didn't happen to me quite that why and we were close friends, but I basically did the same thing.

Well if you want to talk to her, just walk up to her and say "Hey whats up, lets talk" or catch her in the hallway and talk to her. If you appsolutly need an ice breaker, give her a complament or talk to her about the old times that always works.

As for getting over her, its not that easy. You have to realize that she has more friends than just you so she might like someone else. A good way to move on is to think about what turns you on about her, and if you can't think of anything resonable, you wont have a good reason to like her. IF you do find someting you like about her, then talk to her and tell her that you like that about her. By doing this, you'll let her know that you respect her as a person and not just like her, also by doing this you will break through the veil she has over you by making what makes her special into something small and managible.

As for the love thing, if you never went out with anybody or she's like the only girl you really know, its a crush. If, hoever, you've had experience with other girls then. you have strong feelings for her but not nessacarally 'love.' Don't set yourself up too high or the fall really hurts. Hope that helps.

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