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me and ma ex have gone from bein the best of friends to the closest lovers. now she says she isnt sure if she wants a relationship anymore, and if shes ready for the commitment..she says that a year after falling in love wit me. she said she wants to be alone to figure herself out and then told me she doesnt think she IN love anymore...this was all out of nowhere. i didnt even see any warning signs...we are just friends right now, but its the hardest thing i ever had to do becoz im still in love with her and she knows that. i think she frontin about not bein in love cuz you cant fall out of it THAT fast. its like no matter what i do or say i cant get her to give it another try..she wants to be alone, and i dont understand why..and i dont wanna be just her friend...what shud i do.?

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hey bud im going through the same thing we were in love then all of a sudden she just broke it off and said she doesnt want a relationship anymore and just wanted to be my friend but i cant do that either. i havent talked to her in more than two weeks .. all i can tell you try to move on (trust me i know its hard after all the things and times you spent together) you never know when things will get better and you might someone else or maybe she'll understand what she had and come running back... but get up and do something go have fun it will be hard but things will get better little by little they always do ...sometimes when even when you'll never think they can....


Go see seabiscuit!!

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