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Ok, my ex and I broke up about 6 months ago. We did mess around a little bit about 3 months ago, but I figured that he was never going to get back with me so I moved on. I still have feelings for him, but I am with another guy. Now, he keeps telling my new boyfriend that I am a slut (my new boyfriend is his friend) Another guy I was with for a short while told me the same thing, and he even said that he thought my ex was jealous. Now, my ex is going out with another ex of his who i totally hate. What are the signs that a guy is jealous and wants to get your attention?

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This is a tough situation.


I am not judging, but you are dating his close friend. Which in my book is a big no no from a friends stand point. But that is a whole other issue.


He IS mostly likely jealous and thereforeeee reacting the way he is.


I suggest you live your life. One word of caution, I dont suggest dating unless you are fully healed.


Best of luck!

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