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lil sis

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ok, i've liked this guy for like a year now and i never talked to him (well once on the puter, but that's not really anythin special). anyways - i gave him a valentines (on valentines day), and a bacardi silver (for his b-day), and on sat night, he called my house 3 times lookin for me (AH!), but i wasn't home, then i called back and we talked for like an hour! it was all good. but i don't know if it was jus because of the alcohol or my friends (his cousins) made him... or what. my bud (his cousin), said that he kept askin for me, and that he wasn't drunk when he called the first couple times. we talked for like 10 sec in the hall on monday (he started it) and that's it. i haven't talked to him since! (so that's 2 days without talkin). he told my bud that all i gotta do is talk to him, BUT I'M SUCH A PUSS! it's jus cuz i can't get him alone (i don't wanna talk to him wit all his friends around). i really can't tell if he likes me or what's happening. somebody please tell me what to do, or whatchu's think or somethin!

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Hi lil sis,


It sounds like you're just a little shy. That's nothing to worry over. If you have read more postings on here, you will find out that there are so many shy people on this planet.


I'd like to invite you to our dating forum. There are tips for shy people and how to approach the other sexe. There are also good conversational tips and how to act. I hope you find these ideas helpful.


Good luck ....


~ SwingFox ~

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hey SwingFox! thanks for the encouragement. i'm trying my hardest to talk to him, it's going well. i spent the night at my buds house (his cousins), and he was there. i found out that he wears boxer-briefs! haha, but that was jus cuz he was leaning forward... but still, it's cool. - so anyways, we talked . nothin spectacular, and we were both buzzin. i jus don't want to have to be high to say somethin to him.... but i think that will pass. what u said really made me think, so thanks a lot!


~L'illest siS

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Hey lil sis,


It's so good to see that you're doing so well. So many people here come for advice and it's good to see that things turn out for the better.


I encourage you to keep up the good work. Keep this in mind: communication leads to a better understanding, so keep talking.


I wish you good luck and lots of more happy moments


~ SwingFox ~

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